12 Jan
  • By Sittruli
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Embracing Triumphs: Sittruli’s Heartwarming Year-End Celebration

As the calendar pages turned to the final chapter of the year, Sittruli Foundation orchestrated a heartwarming celebration, a tapestry woven with the threads of inclusivity, passion, and shared victories. The year-end event, held on the morning of December 30th and hosted by Sittruli in collaboration with Ganga Hospitals and Bharath Sports Trust, unfolded as a testament to the spirit of the players who have been an integral part of Wheelchair Basketball Players’ journey throughout the year.

  1. A Symbolic Unveiling:
    The day kicked off with a poignant moment—the release of Sittruli’s Calendar 2024. All the players involved in its creation gathered to unveil this tangible manifestation of dreams and aspirations. The calendar, a collaborative effort, became a canvas portraying the resilience and strength of each participant. As the public received copies, autographs from the players added a personal touch, creating a connection that transcended the boundaries of the sporting arena.
  2. Courts Abuzz with Passion:
    The grounds echoed with the rhythmic sounds of wheelchairs and the spirited cheers of the audience as wheelchair basketball players from Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, and Karnataka engaged in fierce competition on one half of the court. Simultaneously, the younger talents from Coimbatore, aged below 13, showcased their budding skills on the other half. It was a beautiful convergence of experience and youthful exuberance, a reflection of Sittruli’s commitment to fostering talent across age groups and abilities.
  3. A Boundary of Support:
    To enhance the spectator experience, chairs were strategically arranged in the middle of the ground, creating a symbolic boundary. This setup allowed the audience to be closer to the action, offering cheers, encouragement, and a tangible display of support for the players giving their all on the court.
  4. Inclusive Competitions:
    Breaking barriers and promoting inclusivity took center stage during breaks between matches. Normal basketball players and members of the audience were invited to experience the unique challenge of shooting the ball from a wheelchair. Those who mastered the art, netting all three shots, were awarded a special prize—a complementary copy of Sittruli’s Calendar 2024, a cherished token of triumph and inclusivity.
  5. Triumphs and Highlights:
    The tournament showcased spirited competition and standout performances:
  • Kids Boys Winner: RLMHSB with an impressive 19 points.
  • Kids Boys Runner: Monster – B, displaying prowess with 17 Points.
  • Kids Girls Winner: Barathi A, showcasing skill with 9 Points.
  • Kids Girls Runner: Barathi B, capturing hearts with 8 Points.
  • Wheelchair Basketball Men Winner: Karnataka B, dominating with 7 Points.
  • Wheelchair Basketball Men Runner: Coimbatore A, displaying resilience with 6 Points.
  • Wheelchair Basketball Women Winner: Karnataka A, securing victory with 4 Points.
  • Wheelchair Basketball Women Runner: Karnataka B, showing determination with 2 Points.

As the matches unfolded and triumphs were celebrated, the year-end event became more than a tournament; it was a collective celebration of resilience, friendship, and the indomitable spirit that defines Sittruli. With each cheer, each shot, and each shared victory, the event marked not just the culmination of the year but the beginning of a legacy built on unity, diversity, and the shared passion for the game.

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12 Jan
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Sailing Strong: Sittruli’s Odyssey Through 2023

As the curtains draw close on 2023, the journey of Sittruli Foundation unfurls as a tale of triumphs, growth, and unwavering commitment towards inclusivity. This transformative year witnessed a cascade of events that shaped Sittruli’s narrative, reinforcing its mission to empower persons with disabilities (PwD) through sports. 

Kovai Vizha Exhibition Match: Kicking Off on a High Note 

The year commenced with a spirited exhibition match organized by Nandhini and the team during the Kovai Vizha. This marked the initial stroke of Sittruli’s prowess on the field. 

Second Awareness Camp: Rajeshwari’s Historic Entry 

The second awareness camp, a pivotal milestone, was graced by Rajeshwari’s historic entry. Rajan, the coach’s, efforts culminated in BOB’s generous donation of two wheelchairs, setting the stage for impactful change. 

GSMP Program in the US: A Global Sojourn 

In an unexpected turn, Sittruli catapulted onto the global stage with a representation at the Global Sports Mentoring Program (GSMP) in the US. The learnings brought back resonated within the team, shaping the vision for PwD empowerment. 

South Zone Level WCBB Training Camp: A Visual Triumph 

While Sittruli orchestrated the South Zone Level WCBB Training Camp, the team received energizing feedback from international delegates. Padmanaban, the coach’s, collaboration with Bharath Sports Trust paved the way for an inclusive basketball event at Nehru Stadium, marking a new era in Erode. 

Flawless Marathon 4th Edition: A Seamless Spectacle 

Spearheaded by Sabari, Nandhini, and Sivakkolundu, Sittruli’s Marathon witnessed its fourth edition delivered flawlessly—a testament to the team’s commitment and organizational finesse. 

Erode Awareness Camp and Ongoing Training Sessions: A Beacon of Hope 

With Saranya and Samritha taking the lead, the Erode Awareness Camp signaled a reinvigorated hope, further strengthened by the return of the legendary Sivam. The training sessions that followed saw a continuous attendance of over 15 players every week. 

Collaborations with IIT Madras and Motivation India: A Testament to Impact 

Invitations from IIT Madras for the Sports4All program and Motivation India for the Women WCBB Training Project validated Sittruli’s impactful strides in the disability sports arena. 

Memorable Inclusive Event: A Resounding Finale 

The year concluded with one of the most memorable inclusive events, showcasing the strength of the new generation within Sittruli, led by Palanisamy (Usha), Buhari, Renu, Sabari, and Rahul. 

Acknowledging the Backbone: A Team Effort 

The year’s achievements would not be possible without the steadfast support of Sittruli’s backbone: 

– Rajan, the Coach and Member, leading us all from the Front. 

– Shanmugatharasu, the Member and Mentor, guiding the team with his knowledge. 

– Sivakkolundu, the Member, leading the designing in style. 

– Padmanaban, the Coach and Member, collaborating Sittruli with other sports and support entities. 

– Sam, the Member, with his clicks capturing our memories. 

– Saranya, the Volunteer, breaking walls on the official front and now on the ground in the Erode camp. 

– Rajeev, the Member, rocking the stage, providing feedback, and contributing to improvements for Sittruli. 

– Poorani, the Member, a virtual admin of all activities and follow-up. 

– Selva, the Member, owning the gifts and mementos area. 

– Lalithambigai and Kannan, the Members, taking the stage when it is needed. 

– Balaji, the Director, and Karthika and Aswanth, the Members, adding the energy for the team on the ground. 

– Sivam, the Volunteer, seamlessly switching to auto-lead mode in Erode. 

– Madhan, the Member, eagerly anticipating his Salem chapter. 

– Vivek, the Player, the first WC member building a strong role. 

– Dinesh and Sasikumar, slowly giving their re-entry as Members. 

– Preethi, Anandhakrishnan, and Nandhini, the Members, spreading their wings in Pondicherry with our Bala coach. 

A Visionary Leap into 2024: Ganga’s Academy, WC Table Tennis, and GOA Purple FEST 

With Ganga’s academy project, WC Table Tennis training, and GOA Purple FEST coming into focus, Sittruli stands on the cusp of a meaningful 2024, poised for societal transformation. 

The year 2023 has been a beacon of progress, and as we step into the new year, the Sittruli family welcomes the future with open arms, ready to script a continuing saga of empowerment, inclusion, and boundless possibilities. 

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13 Dec
  • By Sittruli
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Empowering Spirits: Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Tournament Elicits Grandpa’s Appreciation and Generosity

In the vibrant tapestry of events at the Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Tournament organized by Sittruli, a heartwarming encounter unfolded, revealing the profound impact of good deeds rippling through the community. As the tournament’s energy reverberated through the court today and promised excitement for tomorrow, a chance encounter with a benevolent grandpa aboard a train underscored the positive influence of the sport.
Sittruli’s team of players and volunteers boarded the train from Coimbatore and Erode. They reached their destination, Bangalore with a fun filled journey with lot of laughter and joy which disturbed the whole compartment on a delightful Friday afternoon. During a train journey, this grandpa, intrigued by the emblem of inclusivity and strength showcased by Sittruli’s Team, approached with curiosity. His genuine interest in the sport sparked a conversation with the Team that transcended the confines of the tournament grounds. The grandpa, seeking to understand the intricacies of wheelchair basketball, engaged in a detailed conversation, unraveling the layers of skill, strategy, and passion woven into the game.
Impressed by the resilience and determination exhibited by the women athletes, the grandpa extended his appreciation, advised the volunteers to protect the safety and care of the players, recognizing the profound impact of the tournament in breaking barriers and fostering inclusivity. His admiration went beyond words, leading him to share the contact information of a physiotherapist—a gesture that spoke volumes about the spirit of community support and goodwill. This unexpected encounter became a testament to the transformative power of good things paving the way for more good deeds. The grandpa’s gesture not only demonstrated the impact of the Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Tournament in raising awareness but also highlighted the potential for connections that transcend the boundaries of age and background.
As the tournament continues to unfold, each match becomes not just a showcase of athletic prowess but a catalyst for broader conversations about ability, determination, and unity. The grandpa’s interest and generosity serve as a reminder that the positive ripples of empowering events extend far beyond the immediate participants, creating a ripple effect that touches hearts and inspires acts of kindness. In the grandpa’s simple yet profound appreciation lies a beautiful narrative—proof that good deeds, sparked by events that celebrate inclusivity and strength, can weave a tapestry of connection, understanding, and support. The Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Tournament becomes more than a competition; it emerges as a catalyst for building bridges of understanding, breaking down stereotypes, and fostering a community where goodwill and appreciation know no bounds.

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13 Dec
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Rain Can’t Stop the Game: A 3×3 Wheelchair Basketball Showdown Amidst Showers

When the heavens opened up, only 50% of the anticipated participants made it to the ground, but what ensued was a spectacle that echoed louder than the raindrops — the rookie players had their first match of 3×3 Wheelchair Basketball in a half-court setting. In this downpour, a resilient spirit prevailed, proving that, indeed, Rain Can’t Stop the Game.This extraordinary event unfolded as part of the regular training session at Sittruli’s new training camp. As players navigated the challenges of the wet terrain, their determination painted a vivid picture of passion undeterred by weather. The court, slick with rain, became a canvas for an exhibition of skill, adaptability, and unwavering enthusiasm. In the face of adversity, the game unfolded, each move a testament to the players’ commitment to their craft.
More than the players, the volunteers became the unsung heroes of the day. Despite the rain, they surrounded the players, becoming beacons of energy and support. Their tips, strategies, and knowledge of the rules not only guided the players but ignited a flame of enthusiasm that defied the weather. In the midst of raindrops, a different kind of energy flowed — one fueled by the collective passion for the game and the shared determination to make the most of the moment.The 3×3 Wheelchair Basketball game, played by three members in each team, became a symbol of resilience and camaraderie. The condensed format, suited for the half-court setting, intensified the competition and showcased the players’ adaptability to unforeseen circumstances.As the final buzzer echoed through the rain-soaked court, the participants left not only with rain-kissed jerseys but with smiles that spoke of triumph over adversity. The game became more than a match; it was a celebration of the indomitable human spirit, proving that no amount of rain could wash away the love for the game.
“Rain Can’t Stop the Game” became a mantra, echoing through the dripping court and resonating in the hearts of every participant. It was a day when the unpredictable weather became a backdrop to an unforgettable display of passion, teamwork, and the sheer joy of playing wheelchair basketball, all made possible by the unwavering commitment of Sittruli.

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25 Nov
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Feel the Ball

In the world of wheelchair basketball, there exists a profound connection between the player and the ball, a tactile symphony that transcends the court’s boundaries. As the players at Sittruli’s Training Camp experienced the thrill of their new sports wheelchairs, a deeper narrative unfolded — the art of “Feeling the Ball.”The basketball, a simple sphere of leather and air, becomes an extension of the player’s spirit, a conduit through which dreams are woven into the fabric of the game. In the midst of the players’ excitement, there lies an unspoken understanding of the ball’s significance — it’s not just an object to be thrown or dribbled, but a partner in the journey of every game.

As the players whizzed across the court, the palpable joy emanated from their connection with the ball. They felt its texture, sensed its movement, and responded to its nuances with an intuitive grace. In this dance between player and ball, there is an unspoken language that only those immersed in the game can truly comprehend.”Feeling the Ball” goes beyond the physical act of handling it; it’s about understanding its rhythm, predicting its trajectory, and responding with precision. It’s a dance that requires not just skill but an acute awareness of the game’s flow, an ability to anticipate the ball’s every bounce and spin.This connection is the heartbeat of wheelchair basketball — an echo of determination, resilience, and sheer love for the game. As the players immerse themselves in this symphony of movement and touch, they embody the essence of true sportsmanship, where the ball becomes a conduit for unity, empowerment, and the shared spirit of the game.

In the silence of the court, where the only sounds are the rhythmic echoes of wheelchairs and the occasional bounce of the ball, the players at Sittruli’s Training Camp are not just athletes; they are artists, painting their stories on the canvas of the court, one touch of the ball at a time. The message is clear: to truly play wheelchair basketball is to “Feel the Ball” and, in doing so, feel the pulse of the game’s soul.

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24 Oct
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Players’ excitement on new sports Wheelchairs – Erode Training Camp

This is the fourth week of practice at Erode Training Camp where the rookie players were trained by sitting on a chair or their normal wheelchair. They were familiarizing with their balls and catches and strengthening their arms. This day symbolized an unwavering commitment to inclusivity and empowerment, extending an open invitation to disabled individuals in the region.
A poignant moment of this camp was the arrival of brand-new sports wheelchairs sponsored by Sudha Hospitals Erode. Wheelchair basketball thrives on adaptability and teamwork, where the right equipment is essential. These specialized wheelchairs ignited a spark of excitement among the participants, symbolizing newfound freedom and potential.
The joy on the players’ faces was palpable as they explored their sleek, high-performance wheelchairs. These chairs promised enhanced maneuverability, speed, and responsiveness, going beyond tools for competition to become beacons of empowerment and inclusivity.
The elation was infectious as participants tested the wheelchairs, whizzing around the court with laughter and cheers. Yet, this moment was more than instant thrills. It underscored the importance of investing in adaptive equipment, ensuring that individuals with disabilities can fully engage and excel in sports.The players’ enthusiasm was a testament to the belief that, with the right resources and support, they could overcome any challenge. The Erode Training Camp wasn’t just about wheelchairs; it was about kindling dreams and fortitude.This camp radiated a message: where inclusivity meets determination, joy blossoms, and limitless potential unfolds. It was a day where boundaries blurred, and a path to empowerment opened. Erode Training Camp was a beacon of hope, unity, and the power of sports to unite and empower.

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08 Oct
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Learn from the mistakes of your peers – First lesson taught in Erode Training Camp.

In the heart of Thindal, Erode at Sittruli’s Wheelchair Basketball Training Camp, a valuable lesson echoed through the courts and hearts of all trainees: “Learn from the Mistakes of Your Peers.”As participants delved into the world of wheelchair basketball, they quickly discovered that it was a sport of challenges and triumphs. Mistakes were part of the learning process, but what set this camp apart was the focus on turning errors into opportunities for growth.Players witnessed their fellow athletes grappling with little challenges,during the camp’s activities. However, instead of criticism, these moments were met with support and encouragement. The message was clear: making mistakes is okay; what truly matters is how you respond.This lesson extended beyond the court, emphasizing resilience, determination, and the willingness to learn from experiences. It reminded participants that setbacks are chances to become stronger and more confident, not failures.The “Learn from the Mistakes of Your Peers” ethos fostered a sense of trust and camaraderie. Participants realized that together, they could overcome any challenge. This lesson wasn’t just about basketball; it was about embracing personal growth.
In Erode’s camp, the first lesson was clear: mistakes are stepping stones to success. By learning from their peers’ experiences and embracing the journey of growth, participants left not only as better players but as stronger, more resilient individuals ready to face life’s challenges.

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17 Sep
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Global Sports Mentoring Program

In a momentous achievement for Sittruli Foundation, Gunasekaran J, the organization’s Founder, has been chosen as the Indian delegate for the prestigious Global Sports Mentoring Program. This esteemed program, organized by the U.S. Department of State in collaboration with the University of Tennessee, brings together 19 outstanding delegates from 16 diverse countries. These delegates have been selected for their outstanding contributions to adaptive sports and their unwavering commitment to empowering people with disabilities.

From April 9th to May 12th, 2023, Gunasekaran J embarked on a transformative five-week journey as part of this international initiative. This program is a testament to his tireless efforts and the Sittruli Foundation’s dedication to making a meaningful impact on the lives of para athletes and differently-abled individuals in India.

As Gunasekaran J represents India on this global stage, his participation underscores the importance of fostering inclusivity and creating opportunities for people with disabilities in the world of sports. This achievement not only celebrates his outstanding work but also highlights the potential for positive change when passionate individuals and organizations come together to champion adaptive sports and the empowerment of those with disabilities. The Sittruli Foundation continues to be a beacon of inspiration, leading the way towards a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

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17 Sep
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Wheelchair Basketball Training Camp

In a significant stride towards promoting inclusivity and empowering emerging talents in the world of para athletics, Sittruli Foundation, hosted a transformative event on April 15th and 16th, 2023. This event centered around an intensive Wheelchair Basketball Training camp and featured a spectrum of skill development programs, all aimed at nurturing the potential of 34 promising wheelchair basketball players. Among these participants were 23 men and 11 women, hailing from Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, and Karnataka states.

The event not only provided a unique platform for these athletes to enhance their skills but also fostered a strong sense of camaraderie and determination among the participants. The Sittruli Foundation’s unwavering commitment to breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity was palpable throughout the event. It served as a powerful reminder that, with the right opportunities and support, individuals of all abilities can aspire to achieve greatness in the world of sports.

As these 34 athletes return to their respective regions, they carry with them not only improved skills but also the spirit of empowerment and a drive to excel. We Sittruli Foundation continue to be a shining example of how organizations can make a profound impact on the lives of differently-abled individuals, offering a pathway to success and proving that the power of sports transcends all boundaries.

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17 Sep
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Wheelchair Basketball Training & Para Athletic Awareness Camp

At Sittruli Foundation, our commitment to empowering para athletes and differently-abled individuals is unwavering. On January 29th and 30th, 2023, we organized a transformative event that left an indelible mark on the lives of 25 new participants with disabilities, comprising 20 men and 5 women, from Coimbatore and its neighboring districts. This two-day program was designed with a core focus on Wheelchair Basketball Training, fostering Para Athletic Awareness, and offering a range of skill development programs.

Inclusivity has always been at the heart of our mission, and this event was no exception. We believe that breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for individuals facing unique challenges is essential. The event was not just about training; it was about building a sense of camaraderie and instilling a spirit of empowerment among participants.

Through skill-building activities and the collective spirit that filled the air, we at Sittruli Foundation are paving the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for differently-abled individuals in the region. These initiatives are a shining example of what communities can achieve when they come together with determination and support, proving that with the right opportunities, anything is possible.

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey towards empowerment and inclusivity in the world of adaptive sports and beyond. Together, we can make a difference.

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