10 Sep
  • By Sittruli

Unsung Hero Award Conferred on Mr. J. Gunasekaran by the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Coimbatore 

In an inspiring moment of recognition, the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI), Coimbatore, bestowed the prestigious *Unsung Hero Award* upon Mr. J. Gunasekaran, the Founder of the Sittruli Foundation, during their Chamber Day 2024 celebrations. This accolade honors his unwavering dedication and pioneering work in the field of parasports. 

Mr. Gunasekaran’s mission has always been to empower individuals with disabilities through sports. His vision to establish disability/adaptive sports academies across India is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at providing high-performance training, grassroots-level support, and raising awareness about disability sports. His work not only enhances the sports ecosystem but also creates a platform for persons with disabilities to shine and gain opportunities that were once unimaginable. 

Through Sittruli Foundation, Mr. Gunasekaran has laid a strong foundation for the future of adaptive sports in India, driving change, research, and empowerment for individuals with disabilities. This recognition from the ICCI is a testament to the incredible impact he has made and will continue to make in the years ahead. 

As the ICCI Coimbatore honors this Unsung Hero, it is a proud moment for the entire Sittruli community. With this achievement, Mr. Gunasekaran’s work receives the spotlight it truly deserves, inspiring many more to join the movement towards inclusivity, empowerment, and success in parasports. 

Congratulations to Mr. Gunasekaran and the Sittruli Foundation team on this remarkable milestone! 

#UnsungHero #SittruliFoundation #ICCI #AdaptiveSports #Parasports #Inspiration #Empowerment #DisabilitySports #Coimbatore 

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